Cephalodella wrighti Wulfert, 1960

Most likely ID: n.a.


Synonym: n.a.


Sampling location: Simmelried


Phylogenetic tree: Cephalodella wrighti



  • body elongated, parallel-sided, transparent
  • length 125–130 µm
  • corona ventrally oriented
  • no eyespot
  • trophi with Y-shaped, joined pleural rods
  • elongated cerebral ganglion (reaches the neck)
  • grastric glands with prominent oil droplets
  • stomach yellow or yellow greenish, also with oil droplets
  • toes short and straight, about 18 µm long
  • vitellarium with 8 nuclei
Cephalodella wrighti

I have found Cephalodella wrighti so far exclusively in the Simmelried. This representative of the genus Cephalodella has two characteristic features, which allow a clear identification. There are numerous oil droplets in the gastric glands, which are also found in the stomach below (s. fig. 3 b). Thus, the oil droplets are obviously released into the stomach together with the secretion of the gastric glands. Another feature are Y-shaped, joined pleural rods in the trophi. This feature is unique and does not occur in any other Cephalodella species.


Fig. 1 a-b: Cephalodella wrighti. L = 139 µm (inclusive toes). Two focal planes of a freely swimming specimen from left. Obj. 40 X.


Fig. 2 a-d: Cephalodella wrighti. L = 152 µm (including toes). A second freely swimming specimen from left. Obj. 60 X.


Fig. 3 a-b: Cephalodella wrighti. L = 139 µm (inclusive toes). Two focal planes of a slightly squashed specimen from left. Note the oil droplets in the gastric glands (OGG) which can also be seen in the yellowish stomach (St). Bl = bladder, CG = cerebral ganglion, Vit = vitellarium. Obj. 100 X.


Fig. 4 a-b: Cephalodella wrighti. Two focal planes of the trophi in a strongly squashed specimen. Note the Y-shaped, joined pleural rods (JPR). Fu = fulcrum, Man = manubrium. Obj. 100 X.