spherical nucleus with nucleolus, located eccentrically
cytoplasm contains often green, yellow, or brown granules
numerous axopodia with granules, up to 45–50 µm long
Chlamydaster laciniatus
I find Chlamydaster laciniatus regularly in the Simmelried, but never frequently. The species can be recognized by the spicules, which cover the outer mucus layer and produce a typical X-pattern (s. figs. 1 a-c and 2). Only at high magnification one can recognize the single needle-shaped spicules, which are 6–7 µm long according to my measurements (s. fig. 3). There should be 2–3 contractile vacuoles, but I could also observe specimens with 4 contractile vacuoles. All specimens in my population had a very constant diameter of 20–22 µm. I have never found larger specimens. The axopodia in an undisturbed specimen are covered with granules at more or less regular intervals (s. fig. 4). The maximum length of the axopodia in my population was about 50 µm.
Fig. 1 a-c:Chlamydaster laciniatus. D = 21 µm. Three focal planes of a slightly squashed specimen. Obj. 100 X.
Fig. 2:Chlamydaster laciniatus. A strongly squashed specimen. CP = centroplast, CV 1-3 = contractile vacuoles, Nu = nucleus with a central nucleolus. Obj. 100 X.
Fig. 3:Chlamydaster laciniatus. D = 21 µm. A starving specimen free from food vacuoles. The needle-shaped spicules (SP) covering the mucus sheath are 6–7 µm long. AX = axopodia, Nu = nucleus. Obj. 100 X.
Fig. 4:Chlamydaster laciniatus. D = 20 µm. A fully extended specimen. The longest axopodium of the specimen has a length of 45 µm. Obj. 60 X.