body asymmetrically sac-shaped, sometimes barrel-shaped
length 70–90 µm
3 posterior spines
4 anterior spines
uniform ciliation
24–28 longitudinal rows of plates
“windows” in armour pretzel-shaped
anterior main plate with 5 “windows”
posterior main plate with 4 “windows”
4–8 caudal cilia
macronucleus spherical in mid-body
apical mouth opening with basket of pharyngeal trichites
contractile vacuole subterminal
I find Coleps amphacanthus is very common in almost all of my sampling locations. This member of Coleps is slightly larger than the other Coleps species and is conspicuous by its sac-shape, even at low magnifications. Furthermore, this species has 4–8 caudal cilia (s. figs. 1 a and 2 b). The windows in the armour are pretzel-shaped as in Coleps hirtus. However, Coleps amphacanthus has 5 windows in the anterior main plate and only 4 windows in the posterior main plate (s. fig. 4 a) while Coleps hirtus has only 4 windows in each of the two main plates.
Coleps amphacanthus is a scavenger that quickly gathers on dead or injured protozoans or metazoans. This process is probably controlled by chemotaxis, with Coleps amphacanthus following the concentration gradient to the prey.
Fig. 1 a-d:Coleps amphacanthus. L = 85 µm. A freely swimming specimen. AS = anterior spines, CC = caudal cilia, Ma = macronucleus. PS = posterior spines. Obj. 40 X.
Fig. 2 a-b:Colepsamphacanthus. L = 83 µm. A second freely swimming specimen. CC = caudal cilia. Obj. 40 X.
Fig. 3 a-c:Colepsamphacanthus. L = 80 µm. Different focal planes of a slightly squashed specimen. CC = caudal cilia. Obj. 60 X.
Fig. 4 a-b:Colepsamphacanthus. Two focal planes of the armour in a strongly squashed specimen. The anterior main plate has 5 “windows” (1–5) while the posterior main plate has only 4 “windows” (1–4). The windows are pretzel-shaped (arrows). Obj. 100 X.