Heterolepadella heterostyla (Murray, 1913)

Most likely ID: n.a.


Synonym: Lepadella heterostyla, Metopidia heterostyla


Sampling location: Spechtensee (Styria, Austria)


Phylogenetic tree: Heterolepadella heterostyla



  • lorica rhomboidal, edges curving slightly upwards
  • lorica dorsally convex, ventrally flat
  • length of lorica 78–82 µm, width 70–82 µm
  • anterior collar dorsally and ventrally stippled
  • foot groove U-shaped
  • terminal segment of foot longer than basal foot section
  • pointed toes of different lengths
Heterolepadella heterostyla

I found Heterolepadella heterostyla in the Spechtensee in Styria/Austria during a Desmid algae excursion, which took place in June 1999 in Bad Mitterndorf under the direction of Rupert Lenzenweger. This species can easily be confused with the rhombic form variant of Lepadella triptera. However, Heterolepadella heterostyla has toes of different lengths (s. fig. 1). Unfortunately, I did not take not more photos of the details, but due to the rhombic lorica and the toes of different lengths I believe the assignment Heterolepadella heterostyla is correct.


More images and information on Heterolepadella heterostyla: Michael Plewka-Freshwater life-Heterolepadella heterostyla


Fig. 1: Heterolepadella heterostyla. L = 82 µm (of the lorica). Ventral view of a slightly squashed specimen. Note the different lengths of the toes (arrows). Obj. 40 X.