Lecane quadridentata (Ehrenberg, 1830)

Most likely ID: n.a.


Synonym: Monostyla quadridentata


Sampling location: Wollmatinger Ried, Simmelried


Phylogenetic tree: Lecane quadridentata



  • lorica broadly ovate
  • length 200 – 270 µm (incl. foot and toes)
  • two long and curved spines at anterior end of lorica flanked by two short spines
  • ventral margin V-shaped sinus
  • brownish or yellow-brown colored
  • posterior margin rounded
  • foot with two segments, only one segment extends beyond lorica
  • single fused toe slender, parallel-sided, with faint annular constrictions
  • pointed claws with basal spines
Lecane quadridentata

I have been able to detect Lecane quadridentata in my sampling locations only twice. The first time in July 1996 in Simmelried (s. fig. 1) and the second time 5 years later in May 2001 in the Wolllmatinger Ried (s. fig. 2). After that I have not found the species in any of my finding areas again. Unfortunately I took only one image with the 20 X objective at each finding. The species is very distinctive due to the two prominent curved spines at the front edge of the lorica. In addition Lecane quadridentata is colored conspicuously brownish.


More images and information of Lecane quadridentata: Michael Plewka-Freshwater life-Lecane quadridentata


Fig. 1: Lecane quadridentata. L = 291 µm (with foot and toes). Ventral view of the specimen found in July 1996 in the Simmelried. Note the curved spines at the anterior end (AS) flanked by two smaller lateral spines (LS). Obj. 20 X.

Fig. 2: Lecane quadridentata. L = 283 µm (with foot and toes). Ventral view of the specimen found in Mai 2001 in the Wollmatinger Ried. BS (arrow) = basal spines of claws, CL = claws, FT = foot, TO = toes. Obj. 20 X.