Menoidium gibbum Skuja, 1939

Most likely ID: n.a.


Synonym: Rhabdomonas gibba, Rhabdomonas spiralis


Sampling location: Simmelried


Phylogenetic tree: Menoidium gibbum



  • cells curved, laterally compressed, slightly spirally twisted
  • ventrally with concave indentation
  • posterior end tapered and bent to the right
  • length 14–16 µm
  • flagellum almost body length
  • nucleus in mid-body with central nucleolus
  • paramylon granules rod-shaped, arranged at the dorsal side
  • pellicle with dense longitudinal striation
  • fast swimming, helically rotating
Menoidium gibbum

I found only one specimen of Menoidium gibbum in Janur 2008 in Simmelried. After that I have not registered any more finds.


Menoidium gibbum has a very characteristic shape because of its posterior end is bent to the right (s. fig. 1 a), which practically excludes a confusion with other species. In addition, the ventral side is concavely indented (s. fig. 1 c). My specimen was 20 µm long and thus slightly longer than indicated by Skuja. Skuja found Menoidium gibbum mostly in spring after snowmelt. My finding in January could be an indication that Menoidium gibbum is a psychrophilous species.


Fig. 1 a-e: Menoidium gibbum. L = 20 µm. A freely swimming specimen from ventral (a, c, d), from left (b) and from right (e). Note the bent posterior end (BPE) and the ventral concave indentation (VC). F = flagellum, PG = paramylon grains. Obj. 100 X.