coenobium covered with distinct warts or short spines
marginal cells with a single, gradually tapering projection
inner cells polygonal shaped, concentrically arranged, sometimes with small intercelluar spaces
marginal cells occasionally bearing tufts of mucilaginous spines
one chloroplast, filling the cell
single pyrenoid
Monactinus simplex var. echinulatium is described as not very common (Komárek & Fott, 1983). However, in the pond of the waste disposal plant of Constance I found this form in large quantities in the plankton in September 2023.
The genus Monactinus is easily recognized because the marginal cells have only one horn-shaped process. In the form Monactinus simplex var. echinulatum, the gaps between the inner cells are either absent or very small. As a distinctive characteristic, the cell walls of the coenobia are covered with distinct warts or short spines. In my population these were short spines of 0.7 – 1.2 µm length (s. fig. 1 a-b).
Fig. 1 a-b:Monactinus simplex var. echinulatum. D = 65 µm. Two focal planes of a coenobium of 16 cells. The coenobium is covered with distinct, short spines (arrows) with a length of 0.7 – 1.2 µm. Note the delicate mucilaginous spines (MS) arising from the marginal cells. PY = pyrenoid. Obj. 100 X.