Rhodobacteria 12

Most likely ID: n.a.


Synonym: n.a


Sampling location: Simmelried


Phylogenetic tree: n.a.



  • the cells are oblong or long ovoid
  • length 4.5–10.0 µm, width 2.0–2.3 µm
  • slightly pink or flesh-like colored
  • spherical colonies of about 30–100 µm in diameter
  • cells in the colonies tightly packed, not separated from each other
  • no visible gelatinuous sheath
  • many visible division stages in the colonies
  • cell content is slightly granulated

No drawings from previous authors available.

I find this form of rhodobacteria very rarely and exclusively in the Simmelried. This species differs from all other types of rhodobacteria by the compact, spherical colonies and the large, up to 10 µm long cells, which are slender oval or oblong shaped.


Fig. 1: Rhodobacteria 12. L = 4.0–10.0 µm. A slightly squashed, spherical colony with a diameter of 60 µm. The cells alre tightly packed and some cell divisions are visible. Obj. 100 X.