colonies of bacteria branched and finger-shaped, antler-like
colonies up to 1,5 mm long
I often find colonies of Zoogloea ramigera in the upper layer of decaying plant masses, where the nutrient content is particularly high. Zoogloea ramigera grows particularly well in such an environment. The colonies are finger-shaped or antler-shaped and can be identified even at low magnifications. The colonies can contain thousands of bacteria. The mucus envelope in which the bacteria are embedded is sharply defined, but this is difficult to recognize in the DIC. The bacteria can form a polar flagellum and are then motile. However, I was unable to observe such a stage.
Fig. 1:Zoogloea ramigera. A finger-shaped colony with a length of about 200 µm. Obj. 40 X.
Fig. 2:Zoogloea ramigera. A branched part of a colony. Obj. 40 X.
Fig. 3:Zoogloea ramigera. A colony with bulbuos ends. Obj. 40 X.