length of cell without spines 10–14 µm, width 5–6 µm
cell wall in the middle thin for reproduction
2–3 chromatophores
length of spines about width of cell
The tiny alga Centritractus dubius belongs to the yellow-green algae (Xanthophyceae). I have found Centritractus dubius so far only in the Simmelried. In the samples Centritractus dubius is hard to find due to its small size. However, it often colonizes floating coverslips where it can easily be observed. I observed that the older cells are often surrounded by a layer of iron precipitate and then appear reddish to brownish (s. fig. 2). Centritractus dubius has so far only been found in Norway. Further findings are not known. This may be because it is difficult to find among detritus and decomposing plant material. Presumably, with more sample preparations using floating cover slips, the number of recordings of this yellow-green alga would rise.