colony surrounded by common mucilage, colorless or slightly pink
cells surrounded by sharply defined mucus envelopes, concentrically layered
cells ellipsoid or elongated oval, 7.5–9.9 µm long 4.5–5.2 µm broad
cells colored blue-green or olive-green
Gloeothece membranacea
In October 2023, I found only very few colonies of Gloeothece membranacea in the mud of the pond of the convent Hegne. The colonies are easily recognizable even at low magnifications due to the highly refractive gelatinous sheath. The cells of Gloeothece membranacea are quite large for a cyanobacteria at around 10 µm in length. Another striking feature is the sharply defined mucus envelope of the individual cells in the colony. This can also be multi-layered. In my population, the cells had a rather pale olive-green color.
Fig. 1 a-b:Gloeothece membranacea. L = 10.4–11.2 µm (of cells). Two focal planes of an almost spherical colony. Note the sharply defined mucus envelopes of the cells. Obj. 100 X.