sphere shaped colonies of about 50–200 µm in diameter
cells in the colonies are tightly packed but separated from each other
gelatinuous sheath present with a clear margin
many visible division stages in the colonies
granules in the cells are scattered homogeneously
No drawings from previous authors available.
Rhodobacteria 13 forms approximately spherical, compact colonies with a clear margin of the gelatinuous sheat. The cells are broadly oval. Young cells approximately spherical. This species is similar to Rhodobacteria 10, but the cells of Rhodobacteria 13 do not have the distinct refractive spherules in the cells. In addition, the cells of Rhodobacteria 13 are nearly colorless and more densely packed in the colonies. I have found Rhodobacteria 13 so far exclusively in the Simmelried.
Fig. 1:Rhodobacteria 13. L = 3.9–4.8 µm. A slightly squashed, spherical colony with a clearly visible gelatinous sheath and a diameter of 100 µm. The cells are tightly packed but separated from each other. All cells are homogeneously filled with granules. Obj. 100 X.