Snowella litoralis

(Häyrén) Komárek & Hindák, 1988

Most likely ID: n.a.


Synonym: Gomphosphaeria litoralis


Sampling location: Bussenried


Phylogenetic tree: Snowella litoralis



  • colonies spherical, ovoid or irregularly ellipsoidal
  • colonies covered with mucilaginous mass
  • colonies 30–95 µm in diameter
  • cells spherical, diameter 2.4–4.0 µm
  • cells in peripherical layer at distal end of branched, mucilaginous stalks
  • cells are separated from each other
  • stalks originating in center of colony
Snowella litoralis

I found Snowella litoralis in large quantities in the plankton from the Bussenried. The colonies were all smaller than 50 µm in my population. The center of the colonies is formed by mucilaginous, branched stalks with spherical cells at the distal ends. The similar species Snowella lacustris has distinctly ovoid cells. The similar genus Gomphosphaeria has cells which remain connected after division and then appear heart-shaped.


Fig. 1 a-b: Snowella litoralis. D = 35 µm (of colony). Two focal planes of a slightly squashed colony. The spherical cells have a diameter of 2.8 – 3.2 µm. Obj. 100 X.


Fig. 2 a-b: Snowella litoralis. D = 38 µm (of colony). Two focal planes of a slightly squashed second colony. Note the branched mucilaginous stalks in the center of the colony (a). Obj. 100 X.