Salpingoeca ventriosa

Jeuck, Arndt & Nitsche, 2014

Most likely ID: n.a.


Synonym: n.a.


Sampling location: Simmelried


Phylogenetic tree: Salpingoeca ventriosa



  • lorica flask-shaped, posterior half pot-bellied, anterior neck funnel-shaped
  • bottom of lorica flat
  • length (of lorica) 7.8 µm, width 6.8 µm
  • one single flagellum
  • nucleus 2.2–3.1 µm in diameter with central nucleolus
  • collar consisting of 23–30 microvilli, extend beyoend neck
  • contractile vacuole in posterior third
Salpingoeca ventriosa

I have only found a few specimens of Salpingoeca ventriosa so far. All of them from the Simmelried, where I found the species in 2006 and 2015. I have not documented any further finds since then.


Salpingoeca ventriosa was first found in Greenland and described by Jeuck, Arndt & Nitsche in 2014. In the original description, the length of the lorica is given as 7.8 µm. The loricae of my specimens were larger with a length of 9 µm and 15 µm and the funnel-shaped neck was also longer (s. figs. 1 and 2 a-b). As only a few specimens have been found so far, it is not yet possible to make any statements about the variability within the species.


Salpingoeca ventriosa differs from the similar species Salpingoeca marssonii by the funnel-shaped expansion of the neck. In Salpingoeca marssonii it is cylindrically straight, without a enlarged aperture.


Fig. 1: Salpingoeca ventriosa. L = 15 µm (of lorica). Two specimens found in January 2015 in the Simmelried. CO = collar of microvilli, CV = contractile vacuole, F = flagellum. Obj. 100 X.


Fig. 2 a-b: Salpingoeca ventriosa. L = 9 µm (of lorica). Two focal planes of a specimen foud in April 2006 in the Simmelried. The images were taken with hight layer thickness. Obj. 100 X.