cytoplasm pale orange or reddish with colored granules
nucleus located eccentrically, with central nucleoulus
no visible contractile vacuole
pseudopodia fine and short
Pompholyxophrys ovuligera
I have only ever found Pompholyxophys ovuligera in the Simmelried, where the species is very rare. The similar species Pompholyxophrys punicea, which has spherical scales, is much more common.
The mostly orange coloration of Pompholyxophrys ovuligera is much less pronounced than in Pompholyxophrys punicea, which was already described by Penard (1904). Like Penard, I could not recognize a contractile vacuole. However, I noticed several small vacuoles at the margin of the cell body (s. fig. 2 a), which showed no pulsation. It is also possible that the pulsation was very slow. The nucleus is eccentric with a clear, central nucleolus. The pseudopodia have about body length, without granules.