Zosterodasys transversa Kahl, 1928

Most likely ID: n.a.


Synonyms: Chilodontopsis transversa, Chilodontopsis vorax


Sampling location: Mühlhalden pond, Simmelried


Phylogenetic tree: Zosterodasys transversa



  • body trithigmostoma-shaped, slender or broad, dorso-ventrally flattened
  • anterior end protruding slightly to the left
  • length 130–250 µm
  • ellipsoid macronucleus central
  • one ellipsoid micronucleus adjacent to macronucleus
  • extrusomes inconspicuous, 1 µm long
  • cytoplasm vacuolated
  • numerous, small contractile vacuoles, scattered in mid-body
  • 75–120 longitudinal rows of cilia
  • oral basked consists of 12–18 rods, knee-shaped at distal end
  • postoral a hypostomial ciliary band (synhymenium) surround half of body with gap dorsal
Zosterodasys transversa

I only rarely find Zosterodasys transversa in a few of my sampling sites. A comparatively safe site to find specimens is the overflow channel of the Mühlhalden pond, because there are a lot of diatoms present, which are the main food of Zosterodasys transversa.


At first glance, Zosterodasys transversa resembles a cyrthophorid ciliate, such as Trithigmostoma cucullulus. However, Zosterodasys transversa is much larger and, above all, does not have the characteristic ventral ciliary fields that are typical of cyrthophorid ciliates. Instead, Zosterodasys transversa has a postoral synhymenium, which runs underneath the oral apparatus and almost encircles the body, but has a gap on the dorsal side. Zosterodasys transversa is therefore classified as a nassulid ciliate. In squashed specimens the synhymenium is clearly visible (s. fig. 2). The cilia of the synhymenium are also elongated and pointed (s. fig. 3).


Another characteristic feature of Zosterodasys transversa is the oral basket, which consists of 12-18 rods (nematodesmata = bundles of microtubules). In my population I also found specimens with 19 rods (s. fig. 2). At the distal end, the rods are bent in a knee-shape and thus resemble a field hockey stick. The bent ends of the rods in unsquashed specimens always point towards the center of the oral basket.


Fig. 1 a-b: Zosterodasys transversa. L = 245 µm. Two focal planes of a freely swimming specimen from dorsal. Obj. 40 X.


Fig. 2: Zosterodasys transversa. Focal plane on the postoral synhymenium (PS) running below the oral basket (OB) consisting of 19 rods (1-19). Obj. 100 X.


Fig. 3: Zosterodasys transversa. The postoral synhymenium in detail. Note the elongated cilia of the postoral synhymenium (CPS). OB = oral basket. Obj. 100 X.


Fig. 4: Zosterodasys transversa. Lateral view from left on the rods of the oral basket (ROB) and the circular mouth opening (MO). CV = contractile vacuoles, Ma = macronucleus, Mi = micronucleus. Obj. 100 X.


Fig. 5: Zosterodasys transversa. The macronucleus (Ma) with adjacent micronucleus (Mi) in a squashed specimen. OB = oral basket. Obj. 100 X.


Fig. 6: Zosterodasys transversa. The oral basket in detail. The rods of the oral basked (ROB) are bent knee-shaped at the distal end. Obj. 100 X.